You will need to create an account prior to posting to this calendar.

If you already have an account please use the option "I already have an account and would like to log in". If you do not have an account please use the option "I do not have an account and would like to create one".


Posting an event does not imply endorsement by the owner of this calendar. The owner does not accept responsibility for any damages caused by posting of incorrect or inappropriate information. The owner reserves the right to edit a message or category for grammar and clarity and the right to deny submissions or remove submissions at any time and at its sole discretion. The owner reserves the right to revise the calendar criteria at any time.

Submit Your Community Event:

Promote your community event by adding it to our calendar! Fill out and submit the form below at least one month in advance, as it may take up to one week for us to process your request. If your event meets our criteria, we’ll post it to the calendar.

Community event submission criteria

To be listed, your community event should be a one-time, annual, or special event/program that:

  • is taking place in Port Moody
  • is open to all members of the public
  • has a broad appeal to residents and visitors

Based on the criteria above, we will be unable to post your community event if it is:

  • a regularly occurring activity, event, or program with no defined start and end date
  • a meeting
  • a political campaign
  • a religious event
  • only for residents of a specific neighbourhood or members of a sales group

Please note:

  • we do not post invitations to visit retail businesses unless you are promoting a defined event that meets the criteria listed above
  • your submission may be edited or rejected to comply with City guidelines

If you’re not sure whether your event meets our criteria, please email us.

You will need to provide your account credentials below in order to login.